



Spotify Playlists

Here are the DOs and DON'Ts on how you're allowed to utilize my music for your projects.

What License Applies?

This music is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND).

This means:

You can use the music freely, even for commercial purposes (certain terms apply), as long as you give proper credit to the creator.

You cannot modify, remix, or alter the music in any way.

By adhering to these rules, you will not receive a DMCA claim for using this music.


Use the music as-is for background audio in your videos, streams, podcasts, or projects .

Credit Astromaniac by including:

“Music by Astromaniac - Available at

Include the music in commercial projects, like monetized YouTube videos or Twitch streams, as long as it’s unaltered and credited.

Share the music with others, unaltered, with attribution.

Reach out for permissions if you need to edit or remix.

Contact for prior permission if you plan to use the music:

In Commercials

In Movies or Shows

In Sponsored Segments

In any way attached to selling a product (e.g., advertisements, promotional content).


Don’t modify or remix the music (e.g., cutting, looping, or altering).

Don’t redistribute the music under a different license.

Don’t skip the attribution—credit is always required.

Don’t use the music for harmful, illegal, or offensive content (e.g., hate speech, violence).

Don’t use the music in commercials, advertisements, movies, shows, subscription-based content, content that requires a purchase, or any content promoting a product or service without contacting me for permission.

You Won't Receive a Claim if

As long as you:

Use the music as-is.

Provide proper credit.

Remove my work from your project if requested by me.

Comply with the terms of the CC BY-ND license.

You are fully protected under the license and will not receive a DMCA claim from me or any related copyright holder.

Feel free to contact me at for any questions or licensing requests.